
We are leading advisers on all aspects of insurance and tort law.

When advising on insurance issues, we focus on keeping an eye on the client's business and background. Our advice is therefore always based on the commercial aspects of relevance in the specific context.

Our team comprises a range of expert lawyers who have specialised in various areas of the law. We have thereby achieved unique specialisation in the various branches of insurance and tort law. 

We have extensive practical experience in safeguarding our clients' interests in a way that gives them the best commercial results, including in respect of regulatory issues.

Our clients include Danish and foreign insurance companies, business enterprises and insurance brokers. 

The professional environment

We focus on developing the professional environment within each of our practice areas through writing of legal literature and newsletters, participation in the legislature's preparatory work, and extensive lecturing, for instance at the Danish Insurance Academy, the Danish Bar and Law Society, the JUC legal training centre, and the Danish Association of Lawyers and Economists (DJØF).

We offer expert advice on a variety of areas. Click on the links for details. 


High-profile cases

We represented Danish hypermarket chain BILKA in a case brought by a group of customers who had contracted salmonella poisoning after having eaten eggs bought in BILKA. According to section 10 of the then current Danish Product Liability Act, intermediaries such as BILKA were liable for their manufacturers' products on a strict liability basis.

The question at issue was whether the Danish Product Liability Act was inconsistent with the EU Product Liability Directive. The case was referred to the European Court of Justice, which agreed that BILKA was not liable for injury caused to customers as a result of defects in manufacturers' products. Following the European Court of Justice's decision, the Danish Product Liability Act has been amended to reflect that Danish intermediaries are no longer liable for their manufacturers' defects.



Jakob Rosing
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 43 75
Mob. +45 24 86 00 41
Jakob Dahl Mikkelsen
Partner (Copenhagen)
Dir. +45 38 77 46 12
Mob. +45 61 20 11 67